Topic: “POWER AND WISDOM”” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 29 July 2021

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READ: Proverbs 1:1-7

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation…” – Romans 1:16

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation. When you expose yourself to the Word of God, you are exposing yourself to a supernatural power: God is actually in His Word. He is the Word (John 1:1). The power of God will be real to you.

What power is able to change the lives of thousands of young people who would otherwise have been dancing, drinking, smoking and infecting each other with HIV? My church is made up of mostly young people. I have thousands of young people who serve the Lord with all their hearts, might and strength. What has changed the course of their lives? Is it the laying on of hands? Is it fasting? No! It is the Word of God; this is the power of God with the ability to save and to change. A daily quiet time produces power for the ordinary Christian.

A daily quiet time can also make you wiser than your enemies, your teachers and the elders (Psalm 119:98-100). You will become wiser than the average person around you.

A daily quiet time will give you the right perspective of life. You will be delivered from delusions about what life has to offer. The Word of God makes you see the wealth of this world in the right perspective. Jesus said, “Lay up for yourself treasures in Heaven.” That is true wisdom.

God’s Word taken in on a daily basis will guide you and convert your soul.

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