Topic: Power of the Gospel [David Jeremiah Ministry 29 October 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Power of the Gospel

OCTOBER 29, 2021

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 16:18

 Recommended Reading: Ruth 4:9-12

Modern planning, decision making, and strategizing take place in designated “rooms.” In government, it might be a “situation room.” In the military, it might be a “war room.” And in the corporate world, it would likely be a “boardroom.” But in the ancient world, much of the governance of a large city would take place at the city gate. The central gate of a city was more than just an opening in the wall; it contained room for a gathering of elders and leaders to deliberate (Lamentations 5:14).

When Jesus told Peter and the disciples that “the gates of Hades” would not prevail against His Church, He may have had this ancient role of a gate in mind. In other words, no plans or deliberations by the enemies of God would ever prevail against the Church. “Hades” was a Greek term for the underworld, generally equivalent to the Hebrew Sheol. So no powers of darkness or of hell will ever overcome the people of God.

Also Read: Open Heaven 29 October 2021 – Topic: TIMELY AND CHEERFUL GIVING

The Gospel has the same power today as it had in the first century—it is the “power of God” (Romans 1:16).

Wherever Jesus has been proclaimed, we see lives change for the good.
Josh McDowell

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