Topic: “POWERS THAT BE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 31 October 2021

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READ: Romans 13:1-7

Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there…” – Romans 13:1 (New Living Translation)

There is no way you are going to do anything in this secular world without dealing with the authorities that be. You have to recognize this fact and prepare yourself to deal with them. You cannot avoid them or go around them.

Notice how Nehemiah was able to acquire permission from the king to do what he wanted (Nehemiah 2:4, 7). Some people are not able to get approval or permission for anything. A good leader must be successful in this area of leadership; otherwise, you will build nothing for God.

Also Read: Open Heaven 31 October 2021 – Topic: THE LORD STRONG AND MIGHTY

Use the appropriate people to help you to deal with these authorities. For instance, if you are dealing with legal issues involving the government, you will have to employ good lawyers or people with legal minds.

Decide to comply with existing laws and regulations. The Bible says that these authorities are there for our good (1 Timothy 2:1, 2).

Develop and maintain personal and cordial relationships with every relevant authority. Give them gifts at Christmas and other important occasions.

It is also important to deal with authorities spiritually, by praying for them. Over the years, I have learnt to deal with authorities by praying for them. There is a direct promise in the Word for those who pray for authorities. The promise is that you will be able to live in godliness, honesty and contentment.

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