Topic: Pray About Everything [RICK WARREN Devotional 2 October 2021] -

Topic: Pray About Everything [RICK WARREN Devotional 2 October 2021]

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Pray About Everything


“Pray about everything. Tell God what you need.”

Philippians 4:6 (NLT)I’ve traveled all over the world, and I’ve never met a person with a strong prayer life who is habitually unhappy. People who have strong prayer lives take everything to the Lord—their problems, concerns, needs, and desires—and they leave them with him.

It’s hard to be happy without prayer—without trusting that God is in control.

We’ve been looking at God’s formula for happiness. Yesterday, we learned the first part: Worry about nothing. Today we’ll look at the second part: Pray about everything.

Philippians 4:6 says, “Pray about everything. Tell God what you need” (NLT).

Notice this verse doesn’t say, “Pray only about big things” or “Pray only about things you think are spiritual.” It also doesn’t say, “Pray about everything except your career and things that are fun.” It says to pray about everything, not just about some things!

Some people have a logic that says, “God has things on his mind beyond my little problems. He’s a busy God. He’s out there creating universes. So how can I pray about my ingrown toenail?” They even think God would be insulted by their little requests.

If that’s the way you think today, you are wrong. You may get too busy for God and too busy to pray, but God is never too busy for your problems. An infinite God can be interested in an infinite number of things—all at the same time. That means you can talk to him about everything in your life: relationships, school, health, work, and play.

It’s been said, “You can’t stumble if you’re on your knees.” If you want to be happy, pray about everything!

  • On a scale of one to 10, how would you rate your prayer life? If it’s not a 10, what one change can you make to increase that number?
  • What things are you hesitant to bring to God in prayer? Why?
  • What kind of connection do you see between happiness and prayer? Think about how you feel after you pray.

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