Topic: Pray with Humility – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 15 July 2020

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…And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
–Micah 6:8
A person who’s serious about prayer is also serious about his walk with the Lord. This verse in Micah reminds us that as we walk with God, we must walk humbly.
Why? Because the Bible makes it clear that God resists the proud and the arrogant. This often happens in our lives when things are going well. It’s very easy to begin to think more highly of ourselves during these times than we ought.
But instead of being filled with our own self-worth, we need to be full of our God-worth! What’s important in life isn’t who we are in ourselves, but who we are in God. As a believer, where would you be today without the Lord Jesus Christ in your life?
A major part of walking humbly with God is being honest and sincere in all areas of life as well. And this includes our prayer lives. You know, Jesus hated hypocrisy in prayer more than anything. He talked about those who just said words and whose hearts were far from God.
In the reality of an experience with God, we can’t fake it anymore! Friend, I pray that you will walk humbly with the Lord today!

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