Topic: Pray with Sincerity – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 16 July 2020

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Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.
–Romans 12:12
The key to effective prayer is sincerity. God doesn’t hear us because we pray for long periods of time or because we use the “right” words. 
Men and women of God who pray continually and effectively also pray sincerely. That doesn’t mean nagging God or trying to talk Him into doing what we ask of Him. It means being watchful and thankful when He does answer us!
Nehemiah mourned, wept, and fasted as he prayed to the Lord. We don’t necessarily know how long he prayed, but we do know how sincerely he prayed. 
The scary truth of the matter is that if we are sincere in prayer, we may have to lose some sleep or skip some meals! God tells us not be lukewarm in our prayers. Nor can we be lazy or half-hearted. We must pay the price to sincerely convey our hearts to Christ.
When was the last time you missed a meal because of prayer? When was the last time you stayed up into the night because of a burdened heart? Sincere, fervent prayer moves the heart and hand of God! 

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