Topic: Prayer for the Church [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 6 OCTOBER 2020] -

Topic: Prayer for the Church [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 6 OCTOBER 2020]

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Prayer for the Church

Colossians 1:1-8

Although we’re usually quick to bring God our own requests and the needs of loved ones, we must also remember to pray for our local churches. If you’re not sure where to start, the apostle Paul’s writings offer some help. Today’s passage, from his letter to the Colossian believers, expresses gratitude for what the Lord has done in four specific areas of their lives:

  1. Faith. God’s salvation is something we should never take for granted. Thank Him for bringing the gospel to the people in your church and giving them the faith to believe.
  2. Love. Ask the Lord to increase their love for one another so they can respond—both inside and outside the church—as Christ would. 
  3. Hope. Pray that the hope of heaven would be their focus rather than the fleeting pleasures and values of this world.
  4. Truth. Praise the Lord for the gospel, which has been proclaimed in your church. Ask that it would bear fruit and increase so more people will understand its truth and receive God’s grace.

Let’s make it a habit, perhaps on Sundays, to spend time praying for our church and pastor, asking God to accomplish His will through them.

Bible in One Year: Matthew 11-12

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