Topic: “PROVOCATION” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 22 August 2020

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READ: Genesis 46:1-6; Genesis 47:1-12

And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land…” – Genesis 47:11

The art of following Joseph is the art of not being easily provoked by the rivers that flow from human nature. The rivers of forgetfulness, wickedness and ungratefulness can turn a cheerful and pleasant person into a bitter personality. It is important that you are not provoked by the ungrateful and selfish human psyche.

The wickedness of Joseph’s brothers and inability to remember that he was flesh of their flesh and bone of their bone constituted a huge and important river of human nature which Joseph encountered. This river swept him off his feet and carried him to another world where he suffered terribly. Many things that we experience in our lives can and do twist us into corrupted human beings ready to spew out venom that corresponds to the evil we have received.

If we received hatred we are ready with our own version of wickedness.

If we received no love, we are ready to live our life showing little care for others.

If we received the brunt of the ways of selfish leaders, we are ready to grow up and become worse leaders.

The study of Joseph is a study of how to overcome the diverse provocations that we must encounter on earth. The art of following Joseph is the art of overcoming provocation

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