Topic: Psalm 45:17 Daily Devotional By John Hagee Ministry 29 October 2021 -

Topic: Psalm 45:17 Daily Devotional By John Hagee Ministry 29 October 2021

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  1. Psalm 45:17

I will make Your name to be remembered in all generations; therefore the people shall praise You forever and ever.

We are members of one, big, beautiful family! We count Christian brothers and sisters of all nations, tongues, cultures, and generations among our numbers. We are one family united under one Father.

As we submit to His Word individually and in the corporate life of our local assemblies, we sometimes overlook the greater, global church of which we are a part. Across the planet, believers cry out to the same God, apply the same beloved Scriptures, and believe in the same mission to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Each of us has a part to play as one generation shares the holy name of Jesus with the next. The older generation is charged with mentoring the younger ones. How rich are the testimonies of those whose faith was forged in the fires of perseverance!

For those in the middle generations, they must perpetuate the convictions and character of those who have gone before. The Truth that we have received transcends generations. They must pass the baton to those young ones who are listening and learning the love of our Savior.

Submission to the mission is how we accomplish God’s plans and purposes through every generation. He equips and empowers us to do His work in every age. What part will you play?

Also Read: Open Heaven 29 October 2021 – Topic: TIMELY AND CHEERFUL GIVING


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May God reveal His plan for you, and may you be faithful to complete it. May you be found working and watching for His return!

Today’s Bible Reading: 

Old Testament

Lamentations 1:1-2:19

New Testament 

Philemon 1:1-15

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 101:1-8

Proverbs 26:20

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