Topic: Psalm 84:12 [John Hagee Devotional 4 September 2020]

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O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You!

Jesus is worthy of our trust. We can trust Him when He answers in the way we desire or when He chooses another outcome. If He said it, He will do it. If He promised, He will make good on it. If things do not go our way, we can trust in a way that is higher than ours.

Trust is highly personal and individual. We can describe trust to one another. We can read about it in His Word. We can sing about it corporately with a body of believers. But in the middle of the night, when circumstances are bleak, when we are alone and afraid and tired of the fight, will we trust Him?

Trust is born, nurtured, and solidified inside of a relationship. When we commit to Jesus for the long haul, when we are faithful to Him exclusively, when we cling to Him, trust grows. When we obey the things He asks, He goes ahead of us. He stands ready to meet us with His power and presence.

He provides everything that we need…and even things we did not know we needed. He holds our hands. He shares His secrets. He ministers side by side with us. He holds our hearts, and His love never ends. Take a risk, take a step, and watch Him reward your trust.

Today’s Blessing:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May the God of hope fill you with all joy as you trust in Him. May you overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Today’s Bible Reading

Old Testament

Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:18

New Testament 

2 Corinthians 7:8-16

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 48:1-14

Proverbs 22:17-19

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