Topic: Psalm 98:4 [John Hagee Devotional October 1 2019]

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Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth; break forth in song, rejoice, and sing praises

Sometimes, our “Hallelujah!” breaks out with ease. We remember what God has done for us in the past. We see all of the wonderful things He is doing in our present, and we anticipate sunny days ahead.

When the storms come or the unthinkable occurs, our natural inclination is to fall silent, to shut in our shout. However, our shout for joy is not based on our circumstances. They change in a moment. Our emotions waver wildly. Our moods swing with our situation.

Our joy, though, is not a byproduct of circumstances. Fullness of joy is found in the presence of God (Psalm 16:11). If He abides inside of us, His joy – no matter what the situation – resides deep in our spirits.

In our season of need, we remember the Lord is our Shepherd; we shall not want. In our season of trouble, we sense His presence as we walk through the very shadow of death; His nearness comforts us. In our season of confusion, we find clarity in our Light and Salvation; we have no reason to fear.

Everything in our world need not be perfect before we shout for joy. In our very core, we recognize the fullness of God and His all-sufficiency to meet whatever it is we face. From that absolute certainty, our shout of joy erupts.


May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. May the joy of the Lord be your constant source of strength in every situation. He is great and greatly to be praised!

Today’s Bible Reading: 

Old Testament

Isaiah 62:7-65:25

New Testament 

Philippians 2:19-3:3

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalm 73:1-28

Proverbs 24:13-14

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