Topic: “PUT ON THE LIGHT!” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 23 April 2021

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READ : 2 Timothy 3:14-17

…I am the light of the world: he that followeth me…shall have the light of life” – John 8:12

The Bible contains the written Word of God. It is a reliable source of direction for us all. Everything we do must be according to the Word of God. In a very general way, the Word of God is the perfect guidebook for our lives. The Bible is a unique book that contains instruction on every possible issue that may arise.

The Scripture is profitable, useful, relevant and practical for every Christian today! There are many Christians who do not want you to open the Bible; they just want a prophecy or a word of knowledge.

When the Word of God is preached, the congregation will have light for their darkness (Psalm 119:105). There is so much darkness in the world. We often do not know what to do, but God has provided a light for Christians. What is this light that God has provided for Christians? God’s Word is a lamp and a light for us. It is only when you put on the light that you know where to go. It is only when you put on the light that you can prevent yourself from stumbling over furniture. Jesus Christ called Himself the light of this world.

You need light in this life! Jesus (the Word) is the light for your life. People who have tried to live their lives without Christ and the Word have discovered that it is painful to stumble around in the darkness.

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