Topic: Quiet Inner Confidence [Joyce Meyer Devotional 14 October 2021] -

Topic: Quiet Inner Confidence [Joyce Meyer Devotional 14 October 2021]

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And the effect of righteousness will be peace [internal and external], and the result of righteousness will be quietness and confident trust forever.— Isaiah 32:17 (AMPC)View Previous DevotionalOCTOBER 14, 2021

Quiet Inner Confidence

Through the years, many people tried to hold me back from God’s call on my life. There were those who did not understand what I was doing and why I was doing it, so they judged me falsely. At times their criticism and judgment made me want to “sit down” and forget about my vision from God.

But I had a big God standing up on the inside of me, and “sitting down” was not an option to me. He caused me to stand up on the inside and be determined to go forward no matter what others thought, said, or did. It was not always easy, but I learned from my experience that being frustrated and unfulfilled due to being out of the will of God is more difficult than pressing through all the opposition.

Standing up on the inside does not mean being rebellious or having an aggressive attitude toward those who don’t understand us. It means having a quiet inner confidence that takes us through to the finish line. It is knowing inside that despite what is happening on the outside, everything is going to be all right because God is on the scene, and when He is present nothing is impossible.

Prayer Starter: Lord, Your presence in my life changes everything about me. Help me to stand up alongside You for all that You want me to do and say and be, amen

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