Topic: Quieting Your Soul [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 23 November 2021]

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Quieting Your Soul

When we make time to be alone with the Father and quiet in His presence, we experience His peace.

November 23, 2021

Psalm 131

Do you hurry through your prayer time so you can get to other things? If so, consider the values Jesus modeled when He spent time with His Father. 

Solitude. Though Jesus was constantly surrounded by people as He tended to their needs, His own need for seclusion was important. Often, after an intense period of ministry, He’d retreat from the crowds—and even His disciples—to pray in private. 

Safeguarded time. Jesus protected His time so He could rest in the Spirit, be with the Father, and build up physical and emotional strength. Even when people were clamoring for His attention, Jesus safeguarded this time, knowing that His ministry would flow from it. 

Stillness. Psalm 46:10 calls us to quietness with these words: “Stop striving and know that I am God.” To develop this inner peace, stop everything you’re doing, and let your soul become aware of the Holy Spirit’s presence. In Psalm 46:2 of today’s reading, David described stillness as being like a “weaned child” who’s at perfect rest and happy in his mother’s arms. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 23 November 2021 –Topic: UNITED IN REBELLION? 

These values may seem challenging in our fast-paced, multitasking world. But when you quiet your heart before the Lord, you’ll discover how much you need the peace of His presence. 

Bible in One Year: Romans 4-6BIBLEREADING
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