Topic: “RANKS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 31 May 2021

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READ : Mark 10:35-45

But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” – Psalm 75:7

We were not created to be the same. Ranking is the acknowledgement of that reality. God did not create us to be equal. Your rank defines your level of operation. It tells you how high or low you are. Your rank may be designated by God for by your human superiors.

Ranking eliminates confusion within an organization. Ranking shows you what heights you can attain. I know of people who have more growth in their ministries than I do. I rejoice with them at what the Lord is doing. I know that I am not at the highest level that there is. I respect those who are ahead of me.

Ranking shows you how low you can sink. Understand that there are always people who are senior or junior to you.

Ranks are changeable and very often they are changed. Once you understand that your current rank is not necessarily your position for life, you will have hope for promotion in the future. However, every rank has to be explored fully before you move on to the next. There are principles that determine your promotion to the next rank. For instance, faithfulness and fruitfulness within your rank are very important for promotion. A real change of rank occurs when God promotes you Himself.

Promotion to a higher rank often goes with new attacks. Promotion from God comes with persecution. My position in the Lord is God-given and so is yours. Let us respect one another and God will move us to a higher rank.

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