Topic: Receive God’s Gifts [Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 February 2021]

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If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.— Isaiah 1:19 (AMPC)

What good is it to have a glass of water if we won’t drink it? Our thirst won’t be quenched until we do. Jesus said, “If anyone is thirsty, let them come to Me and drink!” (see John 7:37). He said that if we have any kind of need, we are to ask Him for what we want, and then receive it. The good things of God are available to those who simply surrender themselves to Him and accept His blessings and mercy.

People often beg God for forgiveness but forget to say, “I receive that forgiveness right now; I believe I am forgiven.” Mercy is a free gift. You can’t earn it, you can’t deserve it, and you can’t buy it. The only thing you can do is receive it. Just humble yourself, accept God’s forgiveness, and move forward knowing that you’re made right with Him, and He loves you.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You so much for making Your mercy, forgiveness and grace freely available to me. Please help me not to panic, but to remember and intentionally receive Your blessings today. Thank You, Jesus! In Jesus’ name, amen

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