Topic: Relying on Our All-Sufficient God [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 16 October 2021]

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Relying on Our All-Sufficient God

  • OCTOBER 16, 2021

Daily In Touch Devotion SATURDAY16

2 Corinthians 3:1-6

Have you ever felt the shame of inadequacy? It’s humiliating when others see that you’re ill-equipped for a task or lacking in knowledge on an issue. That hardly sounds like a positive thing, but it can be a blessing if you respond the right way.

Let your inadequacy drive you to God. Spend time in prayer and pour out your heart to Him. Draw comfort from His Word as you’re reminded of His care for you. He hasn’t abandoned you. On the contrary, God is using this humbling process to teach you two important lessons: to trust Him to work through your weakness and to depend on the power of His Holy Spirit.

Insufficiency reminds us to stop trying to do God’s will in our own strength. If we proceed down the path of self-sufficiency, we’ll become overwhelmed and burdened. But when we admit our inadequacies to God, the burden is lifted and we discover the contentment that comes with a dependent, trusting heart.

The Lord is sufficient for every need, and His strength is demonstrated in our weakness. If there’s an area in our life that we’re trying to manage on our own, let’s remember to relinquish control and depend humbly on the Lord. We can depend on Him to make us adequate.  

Bible in One Year: Mark 8-9

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