Topic: REMEMBERING GOD’S WORKS – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 11 February 2021 -

Topic: REMEMBERING GOD’S WORKS – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 11 February 2021

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“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits…” Psalm 103:2

February 11, 2021

David begins this psalm by blessing the Lord for His holy name and character. He then urges his soul to hold on to what God has done – to remember His benefits. Recalling the works of God is a critical part of the Christian life. Throughout the Bible, men and women created ways to remember the acts of God. Whether through stone memorials, writing things down, or telling stories for the coming generations, the people of God placed great importance in reminiscing on all that God had done. In today’s culture, I’m afraid pondering the many blessings of God is not high on the list of priorities for many of us. But it should be at the top of that list. 

How can you remember what God has done for you? Believe me, I realize that it’s much easier to forget than to remember! Memory can be a fickle thing. So let me ask you a question: Have you thought about journaling? Journaling gives us the opportunity to remind ourselves of significant events in our lives or other things we would like to reflect upon down the road. What if you began to journal for the sake of recording the different ways the Lord is working in your life and things He is teaching you in His Word? 

So, you might ask, what’s the point of doing this? Just as the people of God did in the Bible, we write these things down so that at a later date, we can not only remind ourselves of just how faithful God has been to us, but we can pass our journals on to bless others in the future!

 Psalm 103:2 is like a journaling session for David as he recalls – in the midst of his pleasure and pain – the countless ways the Lord has blessed and been faithful to him. Let’s challenge ourselves to write down evidence of the kindness of our God so that in times of trouble, our souls will WANT to bless the Lord!

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