Topic: Responding to Life’s Trials [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 3 OCTOBER 2020] -

Topic: Responding to Life’s Trials [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 3 OCTOBER 2020]

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Responding to Life’s Trials

2 Chronicles 20:1-30

How do you respond when faced with a sizable problem for which there seems to be no solution? After considering all angles and seeing no way out, do you panic or sink into despair? Believers in Jesus Christ should remember there’s another option: Pray and rely on the Lord.

Today’s verses provide a rich, detailed account of Jehoshaphat’s remarkable faith. When Judah was threatened by a great and powerful enemy, the king responded by seeking the Lord. His prayer was based on divine promises and Judah’s total dependence upon God for deliverance. In response, the Lord sent a comforting message through a prophet, and Jehoshaphat told the people, “Put your trust in the lord your God and you will be established. Put your trust in His prophets and succeed” (2 Chronicles 20:20).

This is good advice for us today because our only true foundation in times of trouble is the Lord and His Word. Jehoshaphat’s prayer is a model we can follow. When we come humbly before God and base our prayer requests on the truths and promises of Scripture, we can trust Him to do exactly what He has said.

Bible in One Year: Matthew 1-4

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