Topic: Resting in God [Joyce Meyer Devotional 18 March 2021]

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And the Lord said, My Presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.— Exodus 33:14 (AMPC)

Did you know we don’t have to worry about or figure out the answers to all our problems? Now that’s something to be thankful for! It’s actually quite refreshing to realize that I don’t need to have all the answers to my problems. We need to get comfortable saying, “I don’t know the answer to this, but I’m not going to worry about it, because God’s in control. I’ve done what I know to do, and He’s promised to do what I can’t do, so I’m trusting Him. I’m going to rest in Him!”

When we’re overloaded with the cares of life— struggling, laboring, and worrying— we need a mental and emotional vacation. Our minds need to rest from thinking about how to take care of problems, and our emotions need to rest from being upset.

Worry isn’t restful at all. In fact, it steals rest and the benefits of rest from us. So next time you feel like you’re carrying a heavy load in your mind or you find yourself worried and anxious, remember, you can put your trust in God and enjoy His rest (see Deuteronomy 31:8; Isaiah 41:10; Matthew 6:25-34).

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You that I don’t have to have all the answers all the time. Please help me let go of worry and learn to trust You to bring the answers I need at the right time. Thank You for the gift of Your rest. In Jesus’ name, amen

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