Topic: Restoration Is a Process [Joyce Meyer Devotional 7 November 2020]

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For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning.— Hebrews 4:15 (AMPC)

Jesus understands us when nobody else does. He even understands us when we don’t understand ourselves. He knows “the why behind the what.”

People often only see what we do, and they want to know why we are not doing it better or more. Jesus knows why we behave the way we do. He sees and remembers all the emotional wounds and bruises in our past. He knows what we were created for. He knows the temperament that was given to us in our mother’s womb. He understands our weaknesses—every fear, every insecurity, every doubt, all our wrong thinking—and He loves us anyway.

Once we put our faith in Jesus, He begins a process of restoration in our lives that will not be entirely finished until we walk into heaven. One by one He restores to us everything Satan has stolen from us. He doesn’t want us to live in a constant state of striving or anxiety, so we need to aggressively resist the legalistic attitudes that condemn us for not doing enough.

Jesus understands us, He loves us unconditionally, and He’s committed to working with us through the Holy Spirit—and He never condemns us while He’s at it. We can freely receive the restoration He has for us, and rest in knowing that He’s already done all the work to redeem us.

Prayer Starter: Father, who You are making me into is so much more important than the doing that others expect from me. Help me to trust that You’re working on what needs to be done in my life, and to rest in Your love for me. In Jesus’ name, amen

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