Topic: RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS — [Max Lucado Ministry 24 June 2020]

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In May of 2008, Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife, Mary Beth, lost their five-year-old daughter in an automobile accident.  They were deluged by messages of kindness. One in particular gave Steven strength.  It was from a pastor friend who’d lost his son in an auto accident.  “Remember, your future with your daughter will be greater than your past with her.”

Death seems to take so much.  We bury the wedding that never happened, the golden years we never knew.  We bury dreams.  But in heaven these dreams will come true.  Acts 3:21 says that God has promised a “restoration of all things.”  All things includes all relationships.

Our final home will hear no “goodbyes.”  Gone forever.  Let the promise change you. From sagging to seeking, from mournful to hopeful!  From dwellers in the land of goodbyes to a heaven of hellos!  You’ll get through this!

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