Topic: Reversing the Physical Curse [Tony Evans Ministry 3 September 2020]

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Reversing the Physical Curse

Scripture Reading: Mark 5:32-43  

We have all seen the effects of physical problems – diabetes, heart disease, sleeping disorders and cancer – in our lives or at least in the lives of those we love.  We know that these things are not God’s perfect will for our lives.  In John 10:10 (NIV), Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus wants us to enjoy a long, healthy life … not just exist.    

It’s important to understand that physical problems can be tied to spiritual issues from past generations.  These “issues” are called generational curses.  The only real solution is to pray and then obey. 

Just recognizing the problem and praying about it is not enough.  We need to act on what God is telling us to do.  Many times, He prompts us to do things that are different and maybe even strange.  But it’s not strange to Him.  God wants to heal our bodies, but the results depend on our obedience to His voice and His Word.

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