Topic: “RIGHT APPROVAL” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 15 January 2021

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Read : John 5:31-47

…for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” – Galatians 1:10

A loyal person does not seek to impress people. One dangerous trait for leaders to have is a desire to impress people.

This character trait a dangerous thing because you cannot please everyone; you will end up hurting some and pleasing the others. Ministers who cannot take hard decisions because they want to make everybody happy, end up destroying their own churches.

Years ago, I had an assistant who was a very nice person. In the course of time, some external ministers began to be inimical towards my ministry. This pleasant brother tried to balance his loyalties between myself and the external ministers. However, you cannot please everyone! There comes a time when you must stand up for your conviction. A time came when I realised that his heart was not with me. He could not please those other ministers and me. A time came when we had to go our separate ways. You are not safe with a leader who tries to impress everyone.

A loyal person seeks only the approval of his leader. A loyal person knows that it is what his father says that really matters. Men may disapprove of you, but with God’s approval, you are going places. Every minister must realize that it is God who opens certain doors and closes others. Seek the approval of the One who really matters.

Human beings may rant and rave about you. They may say all sorts of evil things, but if you have the approval of your Father, man, you are covered.

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