Topic: “RIGHT STANDING” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 15 May 2021 -

Topic: “RIGHT STANDING” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 15 May 2021

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READ : 1 John 3:3-10

…that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:” – Ephesians 1:4

If surgery was performed and your appendix was taken out, the doctors would inform you that they had removed a part of your intestine. Although you cannot feel that a part of your large intestines has been removed, you are supposed to accept the fact of what took place in your abdomen during the surgery. Then you are told how to live after the surgery.

Being born again is a spiritual operation in which God recreates your spirit. He takes out the old, hardened and depraved heart and puts in a new, righteous spirit. You don’t feel it, but it is real.

Any born-again Christian who lives in sin is living contrary to his new nature. If you continue in sin, it is by your own choice because the power of sin is broken and God has given you a new nature. It is no longer natural to do evil. After you’re saved, a voice within tells you, “This is wrong! Don’t do it!” That is the new man crying from within. This is what God is saying to His “new creation” children: “You are new, righteous and truly holy.” Act like it and walk in the newness of life (Colossians 3:9, 10).

Remember this: Righteousness is not a feeling. It is impossible to attain God’s standards by your own efforts. Today, if you are born again, you have been instantaneously transformed into a righteous, new man. You can only increase your faith in your inherited righteousness. You can only practise more and more of your true nature. Your right standing with God is truly a gift from your heavenly Father

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