Topic: Righteous in Christ [Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 February 2020] -

Topic: Righteous in Christ [Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 February 2020]

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God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.— 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)

Do you feel all wrong about yourself? I know that I did for much of my life, and it made me totally miserable. I frustrated myself trying to do lots of good things in hopes that I might feel better about myself, but it was never a permanent solution.

God offers us a new way of living through faith in Jesus Christ. He offers us righteousness as a gift, to be received through faith. We can feel right about ourselves, not because we do everything right, but because we have been made right by an act of God’s great grace and mercy. The minute you believe this truth, the bur- den you’ve been carrying will lift off of you, and peace and joy will come.

Your sins were all paid for when Jesus took them upon Himself and took the punishment that you deserved when He died on the cross. See yourself the way He sees you: washed clean and completely right with Him. Believe God’s Word more than you believe anything else and start living a brand-new way!

Prayer Starter: Prayer: Father, thank You for making me right with You! Help me to receive your forgiveness by faith, to live without condemnation, and to walk in Your grace today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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