Topic: Righteous Redemption [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 16 March 2020] -

Topic: Righteous Redemption [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 16 March 2020]

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Romans 3:21-31

Ever since the Garden of Eden, mankind has been tainted by sin. The bad choices we make each day are merely symptoms of the bigger problem—our fleshly nature. But sin has no place in the pure and holy presence of God. As a result, Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death,” and there’s nothing we can do to change that. In other words, left to fend for ourselves, we’re doomed to eternal separation from God.

But the Father, in His amazing love for us, sent His only Son as the solution to our problem. Fully man and fully God, Jesus lived a perfect life and died on the cross for us. He took our sin and endured excruciating suffering and separation from the Father. He took our place and our punishment, dying a criminal’s death on the cross to save us. Three days later, He rose again, conquering sin and death.

Out of love, the Savior overcame our dreadful fate and offered us eternal life instead. This great salvation is available to all who believe that Christ is Lord, He died on the cross for our sin, and He rose from the grave. Don’t wait—put your trust in Jesus today.

Bible in One Year:   Judges 10-12

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