Topic: Rod and Reproofs [David Jeremiah Devotional September 23 2019 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Rod and Reproofs [David Jeremiah Devotional September 23 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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SEPTEMBER 23, 2019

And Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?”
Genesis 41:38

 Recommended Reading: Genesis 39:20-23

Proverbs offers two paths to wisdom: the rod and reproofs of life. The rod is used by authorities while reproofs are life’s way of saying, “Don’t do that again!” Joseph learned quickly from life’s reproofs.

Joseph learned from his youthful errors and committed himself to a life of submission to God’s will and plan for his life. When he was young, he acted thoughtlessly in revealing his dreams and his father’s favoritism to his brothers (Genesis 37:3-11). After being sold as a slave into Egypt, he appeared to have gained a humility and seriousness that served him well for the rest of his life. For some of us, it takes multiple bouts with the rod and reproof to gain perspective. For Joseph, it only took one painful lesson on the downfall that awaits the proud. From then on, his challenges revealed that his heart was committed to trusting God.

When life brings reproofs, they will reveal who we are at our core. Embrace them and gain wisdom and maturity. Reject them and forfeit the lessons they offer.

The rough hewing of reproof is only to square us for the heavenly build.
D. L. Moody

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