Topic: Satan’s Defeat – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 22 March  2022

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Satan’s Defeat

And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon;[but] the dragon and his angels . . . did not prevail, . . . So the great dragon was cast out . . . to the earth, and his angels . . . with him.
-Revelation 12:7-9, emphasis added

In Revelation 11:19-12:6, we have seen our victory in Jesus because God is faithful. Next we need to consider our victory in Jesus because Satan is vanquished. It is critical that we understand what is going on in the heavenly places around us.

In the whole universe, there is only God and His Creation. The Bible clearly tells us that the entire universe is involved with what is happening on earth because, after God is finished with the Tribulation and the Millennium, He is going to destroy the whole universe and make it brand new. Everything that is happening is happening right here on earth. There are no civilizations on other planets in need of Jesus as Lord and Savior. There are only the humans on earth and the humans under the earth-in Hades; and there are only the angels sealed by God and the fallen angels who joined Satan’s army.

If that is all there is–God, humans, and angels–what about UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and science fiction? Why is the world being conditioned for powerful beings that come to earth from somewhere else? The answer is simple: earth dwellers are being prepared for “the beast”-the ultimate extra-terrestrial being who will be released from the pit. It is possible that he could arrive in a space ship, because the world is getting ready for that. But regardless of how he comes, he will do so with great powers to control the minds of men.

Can you imagine the effect he will have on this planet? We have terrorists, rogue nations with ballistic missiles and atomic bombs, and biological agents for use in warfare. The world is highly unstable. With all that is going on, it is easy to imagine that someone transported to earth who can perform miracles and control minds will be able to control the world. This is the Antichrist-the one in the place of Christ. So the earth dwellers will conclude: Who needs Jesus-the lowly One from Bethlehem?

ALSO READ: Open Heaven 22 March  2022 –Topic: WHY YOU NEED DIVINE ANOINTING II 

The advent of “the beast” will be an actual historical event, and Revelation shows us the whole panorama in advance. Up until Revelation 12  although God had cast Satan out of his place in heaven, He did not restrict his coming into heaven to accuse believers. Presently, when an individual Christian has sinned and Satan becomes aware of it, it is an opportunity to go before God and accuse that person. Always remember that even though we bear God’s image and have His name, we can still “act like the devil” at times. When that happens, Jesus steps forward to remind Satan that He has paid for our sins and we belong to Him now! Charles Wesley’s hymn, “Arise My Soul Arise,” says: Five bleeding wounds He bears, Received on Calvary; They pour effectual prayers, They strongly plead for me; “Forgive him, O forgive,” they cry, “Nor let that ransomed sinner die!”

Satan is being allowed to interrupt the worship of heaven for a limited time only before God will cast him down forever, bar his access, and restrict him to troubling the earth only.

If you have not yet bowed your knee to Jesus, and embraced Him as your Savior, today can be your “turning point” for eternity. Don’t delay! Time is short!

Is you are still wondering: What is this celestial warfare all about? And who is Michael the archangel, a warrior, standing in as commander-in-chief for the King of Kings? 


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