Topic: Scar Stories – Our Daily Bread 31 October 2019

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Bible in a Year:Jeremiah 22–23Titus 1

See my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.John 20:27

Today’s Scripture & Insight:John 20:24–29

The butterfly flitted in and out of my mother’s panda-faced pansies. As a child, I longed to catch it. I raced from our backyard into our kitchen and grabbed a glass jar, but on my hasty return, I tripped and hit the concrete patio hard. The jar smashed under my wrist and left an ugly slash that would require eighteen stitches to close. Today the scar crawls like a caterpillar across my wrist, telling the story of both wounding and healing.

When Jesus appeared to the disciples after His death, He brought His scars. John reports Thomas wanting to see “the nail marks in his hands” and Jesus inviting Thomas to “put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side” (John 20:25, 27). In order to demonstrate He was the same Jesus, He rose from the dead with the scars of His suffering still visible.

The scars of Jesus prove Him to be the Savior and tell the story of our salvation. The pierced marks through His hands and feet and the hollow in His side reveal a story of pain inflicted, endured, and then healed—for us. He did it so that we might be restored to Him and made whole.

Have you ever considered the story told by Christ’s scars?

Reflect & Pray

How do the Savior’s scars promise healing for the wounds you’ve endured? What wounds will you bring to Him today?

Jesus, how I love the story Your scars tell to me—and to our world. May I learn to love You more and more through the story of Your scars.

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