Topic: Seasoned Living: Honey [David Jeremiah Ministry 12 September 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Seasoned Living: Honey

SEPTEMBER 11, 2021

Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Psalm 19:10

 Recommended Reading: Psalm 19:8-19

Those honey bees! They are like miniature helicopters, wings flapping two hundred times a second, traveling as far as six miles looking for beautiful flowers. They hover over every bloom to collect nectar. An average hive produces about thirty to sixty pounds of surplus honey each year. Each tablespoon has 64 calories of sweetness, along with small doses of iron, copper, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, zinc, and other vitamins and minerals. Its golden color delights the eye, and its smooth, sticky quality makes it a natural cure for a cough. Nutritionists have long lists touting the benefits of honey.

Perhaps God created honey to give us a marvelous analogy of Scripture. The Psalmist said, “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Psalm 119:103)

In 1 Samuel 14, Jonathan was weary, worried, and worn out. But when he dipped his staff into some honey and brought it to his mouth, his eyes brightened. Living a seasoned life requires dipping our minds into the sweetness of God’s Word every day. 

Try it! It will help you bee all you can bee.

The very practice of reading [the Bible] will have a purifying effect upon your mind and heart. Let nothing take place of this daily exercise.
Billy Graham


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Daniel 4 – 8

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