Topic:  “SEE GOD MOVING!” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 30 September 2021

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READ: 1 Kings 17:8-24

…this is the LORD; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.” – Isaiah 25:9

Many things you have experienced are supernatural. The supernatural is both real and biblical. In the ministry of the prophet Elijah, you see a widow who received a supernatural miracle.

Elijah prophesied that she and her household would lack no food throughout the period of the famine. That prophecy came to pass! However, she secretly did not believe that the supernatural had occurred in her life.

However, when her child died and Elijah brought him back to life, she made a very significant statement. She said, “Now I know that you are a man of God.” An analysis of her words is very revealing.

This means that all along she didn’t really believe that she was experiencing the supernatural. The miracle of multiplying food did not seem supernatural to this woman. Many Christians make this mistake. They want the spectacular. They want things to be dramatic; otherwise, they will not believe that God is moving. If you have this attitude, you will miss the supernatural move of God.

I believe I had a supernatural call to serve the Lord, although I did not experience the call of God with thundering and lightning and I have not seen Jesus in person.

The call of God on my life has simply been a conviction, a conviction to serve Him; a conviction to do my best, a conviction to obey the desires that He has placed on my heart.

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