Topic: “SEEDTIME” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 9 OCTOBER 2020

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READ: 2 Corinthians 9:6-9

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” – Genesis 8:22

The Bible describes giving money to God as sowing a seed. If you need some money all you have to do is to sow some money seeds and you will receive a harvest of money. Paul the apostle described money as a seed.

The tithe is a special seed that can be sown, which entitles you to a harvest of open heavens. This special seed entitles you to have the devourer rebuked: Malachi 3:10.

A seed to the poor is a special seed that gives a harvest of preservation, long life, health, and deliverance from enemies: Psalms 41:1-3.

A seed of money mixed with prayer is a special seed that gives a harvest of a spiritual visitation. Cornelius sowed a special combined seed of alms and prayer. This seed came up to God as a memorial. This is why the angel was sent to visit Cornelius. Your special seed of prayer and alms can provoke a spiritual visitation for your life: Acts 10:1-4.

A seed towards evangelism and missions is a special seed that will cause God to provide all your needs according to His riches. A seed was sent to support the Apostle Paul in his mission. Paul pronounced the special blessing of Philippians 4:19 on them. This verse is commonly quoted by people who claim God will care for them. But the proclamation of Philippians 4:19 was the harvest of the seed sown into Paul’s evangelistic mission. Remember that your special seed towards evangelism will entitle you to a special harvest of abundant all-round provision.

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