Topic: Seeing Christ Through the Books of Poetry – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 25 November 2021

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Seeing Christ Through the Books of Poetry

The Scriptures are all about God revealing Himself to His creatures. The ultimate expression of God’s nature and character is Christ. Note the words of Hebrews 1:3 “Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;” (KJV). Since the Word of God reveals God, and Jesus is the image of the Invisible God, then we can find and worship our Lord Jesus Christ in every part of the Bible!

Also Read: Open Heaven 25 November 2021 –Topic: STAND UP AGAINST EVIL 

“Christ our Worship” Psalms

The Psalms are preeminently focused upon our Triune God. His character is more clearly and dramatically proclaimed here than in any other book of the Bible.  Divine Names are prominently in use: Adonai “Lord,” occurs 63 times, El and Elohim  “God” occur 427 times, and the name Yahweh is found no less than 742 times. 

The Psalms are books within a book.

·         As a Book of Nature – God’s handiwork in Creation and the Realm of Nature is portrayed in breathtaking grandeur.

·         As a Book of Rescue – there are words for those who hurt. Nearly every emotion and feeling known to humans is mirrored and ministered to within the Psalms.

·         As a Book of Redemption – hope is presented for sinners, extolling the mercy and goodness of our God as He forgives sinners.

·         Finally as a Book of God’s Word – the beauty, perfections and power of the Scriptures are plainly seen by those who seek Him with their whole heart.

“Christ our Wisdom” Proverbs

Solomon was the author of 3,000 proverbs and 1,005 songs the Bible tells us (I Kings 4:32). His God given wisdom surpassed all the noted wisemen of his day (I Kings 3:12). In our study of PROVERBS this week we look at one of the few Old Testament books that state their purpose clearly at the start. In Pr. 1:2-6 we find a twofold purpose:

“Christ our Way of Life” Ecclesiastes

Solomon as nearly no other person in history had the world at his feet. He was possessor of uncountable wealth and possessions (2:8); he was unsurpassed in education and knowledge (1:16); he was in the peak of worldly fame, popularity and prominence (2:4-6); he was unbridled in his ability and desire to pursue and find pleasure (2:3).  After a life of pursuit he confesses with Christ that one may well gain the whole world and still lose his own soul (Matthew 16:26). Only in the Lord is there any hope for this life! We must meet that “One Shepherd” (12:11) who alone offers “abundant life” (John 10:9-10)

“Christ our Altogether Lovely One” Song of Solomon

These 8 chapters, 117 verses and 2661 words in the Hebrew Bible called Song of Solomon are the 5th of the  Hebrew Wisdom Books called the MEGILLOTH. Each were read at one of the Jewish Feasts. Esther at Purim, Lamentations at unleavened bread; Ecclesiastes at Tabernacles; Song of Solomon at Passover and Ruth at Pentecost!

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