Topic: Seek God’s Presence [Joyce Meyer Devotional 2 January 2021]

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Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart.— – Psalm 37:4 (AMPC)

One of the most important lessons we can learn is to seek God’s face (who He is) and not just His hand (what He can do for us). Learning this is vital to our strength as believers and to our love walk with God.

This was a major lesson for me. I had to learn to enjoy God’s pres­ence, not focus on what He was doing or not doing for me. Making this transition took a while. But what an awesome difference it made in my spiritual life! Previously, I had always felt that something was missing in my walk with the Lord. I found it all in His presence, not in His “presents.”

The Lord was doing a lot for me, yet I was still dissatisfied. God had established a relationship with me by doing things for me. Now it was time to take a step of maturity by seeking to do His will, not just seek­ing Him for what He could do for me. I was enjoying God’s provision, but I had not learned simply to enjoy His presence.

I went through a time of testing in which I had to seek the Lord simply for Himself and not for anything He might give me. He once challenged me not to ask Him for one earthly thing again until He told me I could do so. Since that time my prayer life has been different. He knows the desires of our hearts, and as we delight ourselves in Him, He will give them to us, just as He promised in His Word.

Prayer Starter:Lord, help me to seek Your presence above everything else. I want to know you more. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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