Topic: SERVING ONE ANOTHER – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 8 March 2020

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“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10

March 8, 2020

When we give our lives to Christ, we choose to give control of our lives to God. In essence, we become a voluntary servant to God. As we walk with God and learn more about what it means to surrender our lives to Him, we begin to realize that He wants us to become voluntary servants to others, as well. Let’s be honest. Serving others isn’t easy; so where do we start?

  1. Family. Serving one another starts at home. If married, how can you better serve your spouse and family? What about your roommate? Extended family and close friends?
  2. Church. Getting involved in your local church is the next step. How are you serving the body of Christ? Look for ways to use your gifts and abilities to serve within the church.
  3. Community. We are also called to serve others. This means colleagues at work and our neighbors. It’s showing up to serve in various schools or ministries. Serving isn’t limited to relatives and other believers. We can serve our community simply by how we choose to approach daily interactions with those who cross our paths.

Jesus was radically counter-cultural by exemplifying and teaching a lifestyle of servanthood. It goes against everything that culture says makes someone “great.” It’s putting others before ourselves. It’s following in Christ’s footsteps, who embodied greatness by humbling Himself to death on the cross. Choosing to follow Christ means voluntarily surrendering our lives to Him and choosing to live a radically counter cultural life. While it might go against the world’s definition of “great,” serving others makes the world a better place!

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