Topic: SERVING OTHERS: THE GREATEST CALLING – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 29 December 2020

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December 29, 2020

Businesses are motivated by profits. Associations and charities are driven by a specific cause. But what about followers of Jesus? What should be our primary purpose in following Jesus? The answer is service. Christians are called to serve God and others. This is to be our driving motivation in fulfilling our life’s purpose. This is why we were created – to glorify God by knowing Jesus. As we get to know Him, we’ll see that Jesus guides and empowers us to serve others as we fulfill our purpose.

The Apostle Peter dissected this idea of service in 1 Peter chapter 4:

  1. Motivation: Are you serving out of obligation or to point others to Jesus? Helping others because it’s a “rule” completely misses the spirit and heart of our calling. (1 Peter 4: 8)
  2. Spirit of Love: No grumbling or complaining. It’s out of a spirit of love that we serve one another and use our gifts in ministry. (1 Corinthians 13:1)
  3. Fervency: The word fervency could be used to describe an athlete using every last ounce of strength and will-power to cross the finish line. It’s with this amount of passion and zeal that we are to serve others. (1 Peter 4: 8)

Let’s face it, some people aren’t easy to love. Some people are selfish, judgmental, and downright difficult. These people are hard to love, much less serve. What’s amazing about serving others is that when we truly serve out of a heart of love for God, we become more forgiving and caring towards others. Jesus Himself said in John 13:34b, 35: “Love one another…By this, all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another.” Will you step into this calling to serve others out of love?

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