Topic: Set Boundaries for Your Children – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 14 June 2021]

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Set Boundaries for Your Children


“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)


As parents, our chief desire for our children should be that they love God and honor Him with their lives. The Book of Proverbs is full of wisdom for those who want to raise kids that count in the cause of Christ.

We must give them wise instruction. When we teach our children Scripture, it should be joined with training, so they can learn how to apply it for themselves when they are grown.

We should also give them reasonable restrictions. Limitations don’t bind children; really they set them free. When we establish restrictions, our children will naturally push against them. If the restrictions give, our children will lack confidence in themselves. This is the reason so many children are conquered by the things of this world.

We must also give them a listening ear. We must be ready when they’re ready to talk and make time for it.

Finally, give them a happy environment; our homes should be full of laughter, fun, joy, and silliness.


  • How does providing children with proper boundaries show them love and care?
  • Why is it actually unloving to have no boundaries for our children?


Think today about the ways God has given you loving boundaries that are for your good. How might you use this to communicate with your children about the boundaries you have set for them?

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