Topic: Shift the Winds [Joel Osteen Ministries - Today's Word 15 July 2021] -

Topic: Shift the Winds [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 15 July 2021]

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Shift the Winds

Jul 15, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Numbers 11:23, NIVThe LORD answered Moses, “Is the LORD’s arm too short? Now you will see whether or not what I say will come true for you.”

Today’s Word

When the Israelites were in the desert headed toward the Promised Land, they complained that there was no meat to eat. God told Moses that He was going to give them meat, not just for a day but for a whole month. When Moses expressed his disbelief, God responded by saying, “Do you think the unfavorable conditions somehow limit Me? I created the universe. Nothing is too difficult for Me.”

The next morning God shifted the winds and caused a huge flock of quail to show up in their camp. For two days they gathered a staggering amount of quail. God controls the winds and the quail. You may not see how your situation can work out, none of the conditions are favorable, but stay encouraged. God has it figured out. He knows how to shift the winds. He knows how to bring the quail, the right people, good breaks, healing, promotion, and restoration. He’s not limited because you’re in a desert place. When you believe, all things are possible.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You that You created the universe, and You control the winds and bring Your blessings to me. When it looks too big for me, I know that with You all things are possible. I believe that You are not limited by any unfavorable conditions that I face. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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