Topic: SHINE LIKE A DIAMOND!– Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 26 November 2021 -

Topic: SHINE LIKE A DIAMOND!– Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 26 November 2021

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November 26, 2021Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4

Diamonds are fascinating.

They are the hardest natural substance on our planet. In fact, they are so hard that the only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond!

But the most fascinating thing about diamonds for me is that they have a very high melting point. (3547℃ / 6420℉) and boiling point (4827℃/ 8720℉)

Now that’s hot!

Also Read: Open Heaven 26 November 2021 – Topic: THE BLESSING OF FORGIVENESS

These beautiful stones are formed about 90 to 120 miles beneath the earth’s surface and are carried to the surface by volcanic eruptions. Geologists universally agree that diamonds are formed under crushing pressure and intense heat. When they cool down…DIAMONDS! 

In today’s Scripture, James is presenting to us a very uncomfortable truth that we must all face:

There are some qualities in our lives that God can only develop through the fire of trials. 

Enduring these intense trials helps give us perseverance which results in our spiritual maturity.

I know. I wish this was not true for you and me. 

I wish we had a shortcut to be more Christlike and more dependent on the Lord. However, if you look closely at the lives of people who we can say are Christlike, they will all tell you that they have been through the fiery trials of life

God uses the most unimaginable conditions to create the world’s most exquisite and valuable stones.

He also uses pressures and intense heat, trials, and suffering to produce something great in our lives: Christlikeness. 

If you are going through intense pressure right now, think “Diamonds,” and let God create something exquisite in your life!

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