Topic: SIMPLE BUT HARMFUL  By Pastor Faith Oyedepo Living Faith Church [ Winners Chapel] 24 November 2021

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“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”


I have discovered in marriages that the things people find most difficult to do are the simplest things; and most times, those simple things cause the greatest challenges in these homes, when not taken into consideration.  One of these “simple things” is the habit of saying “thank you.”  

The word “thank you” is not just said when you receive favour from someone or when you are helped out. You can say thank you to a friend, spouse or your family for just being there for and with you.

Also Read: Open Heaven 24 November 2021 –Topic: CRY OUT TO THE LORD 

Most times, some people feel all perfect. They assume that their character is 100% okay and everyone should be able to live with them. They are wrong! If there has not been any issue in your relationship, it is not because you are perfect, but because the other party has chosen to love you with your imperfections and develop with you, even as your character improves. That alone is more than enough for you to say “thank you” to him or her.

In marriage, appreciation should not be far from you. You should learn to appreciate your spouse for anything and everything if you want to live in bliss. Truth is: The act of appreciating your spouse helps improve your marriage, helps him or she overlook your many flaws and also increases your spouse’s zeal to want to improve on his or her services to you.

Appreciation can be in words and/or actions. The very essence of appreciation is to strengthen your marriage in love. Therefore, in case you are not used to appreciating your spouse, you should begin today through any of the above mediums and watch the turn of events in your marriage. Your home shall be blissful in the name of Jesus Christ!

Remain Blessed!

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