Topic: “SINGLE EYE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 3 March 2021

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READ: Matthew 6:22-24

No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other…” – Luke 16:13

In this Scripture, Jesus teaches about how the entire body is affected by the eye. He says that if you have a single eye, your whole body will be full of light (a good thing). It goes on to say that if your eye is evil, your body will be full of darkness. What does a single eye mean? A single eye speaks of seeing one thing! In other words, in every sphere of life your attention should be focused on only one thing. Loyalty has a single eye.

Jesus went on to explain that you cannot serve God and mammon. In other words, if you see both God and mammon as “gods” in your life, you will not prosper. You must be loyal to one or the other. Jesus taught us that you would end up loving one and hating the other.

Another example concerns your church. If you want to be loyal to your church, you must be focused on one church and not on two. A husband cannot be loyal to his wife if he has his eye on another woman. Any man, whose eyes are focused on two different women, has a potential for disloyalty.

If you belong to a church, your allegiance must be to the pastor in charge, the senior pastor. Everyone else is assisting the senior pastor to do the work. If you work in a company, your allegiance is to the highest authority. If something is going wrong in your department, because you have a single eye, you will show your loyalty to your ultimate employer. Do not forget this important principle, “loyalty has a single eye”.

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