Topic: So, Sow! [David Jeremiah Ministry 8 October 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: So, Sow! [David Jeremiah Ministry 8 October 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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So, Sow!

OCTOBER 8, 2021

The field is the world.
Matthew 13:38

 Recommended Reading: Acts 1:1-8

You probably know that about 71 percent of the surface of the earth is covered by water. The 29 percent that remains isn’t all habitable. In fact, only 43 percent is habitable—just over 15 billion acres. Those acres are divided among 197 countries (though there are various ways of counting countries). From the days of the Tower of Babel, the earth has been divided. It seems only a major existential crisis could bring all the countries of the world together under a single government. Some people advocated for a global government to confront the COVID-19 crisis, but it will be something worse that triggers such an event. Perhaps the Rapture?

Even today, the nations of the world are interconnected as never before, and one day an existential cataclysm will trigger the rise of a one-world government, which will ultimately be dominated by the Antichrist.

For now, the Church of Jesus Christ has a commission—to take the entire Gospel to the entire globe. We’re to sow the Gospel seed, and the field is the whole world. Look around for someone needing Christ and do your part to share Jesus today.

It is the great business on earth of every Christian to save souls.
Charles G. Finney

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