Topic: Spiritual Getaways: Day of Bible Reading [David Jeremiah Ministry 10 April 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Spiritual Getaways: Day of Bible Reading [David Jeremiah Ministry 10 April 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Spiritual Getaways: Day of Bible Reading

APRIL 10, 2021

But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.
Psalm 1:2

 Recommended Reading: Joshua 1:7-8

The late historian, Shelby Foote, spent twenty years writing nearly three thousand pages of his three-volume The Civil War: A Narrative. He read more than three hundred books as part of his research, and would often spend six hours at a stretch immersed in his reading. No wonder his work on the American Civil War is considered the standard work on the subject.

If spending six hours reading about a military conflict is profitable, how much more profitable might be extended hours spent reading the Bible? Hopefully, all Christians attend to Bible reading consistently. But those readings are usually short, perhaps a chapter involving a half-hour of reading. But how about a spiritual getaway devoted to a deeper dive into Scripture? The Bible speaks of meditating on God’s Word “day and night,” which doesn’t mean 24 hours straight. (It means often or continually.) But what about a day, a night, or a weekend retreat to immerse one’s heart and soul in Scripture?

Plan a spiritual getaway to enjoy the “delights” that come from reading and meditating on God’s Word (Psalm 119:16, 35).

The Word of God well understood and religiously obeyed is the shortest route to spiritual perfection. 

A. W. Tozer


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: 1 Kings 3 – 7

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