Topic: Spiritual Getaways: Day of Journaling [David Jeremiah Ministry 17 April 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Spiritual Getaways: Day of Journaling [David Jeremiah Ministry 17 April 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Spiritual Getaways: Day of Journaling

APRIL 17, 2021

I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse on the work of Your hands.
Psalm 143:5

 Recommended Reading: Psalm 77:10-11

In the publishing world, memoirs are selling better than ever. People love to read about a slice of another’s life. And that’s what separates a memoir from an autobiography. An autobiography covers a person’s entire life; a memoir focuses on a theme from that life: a struggle, a dream, a quest, an adventure, or other event.

From that point of view, every Christian has the ability to write a memoir of his or her own. Granted, it may never be published, but writing it will help you focus on the most important theme in your life: your relationship with God. And it will leave a legacy of spiritual growth and victory for your family and others. How do you write a memoir of your spiritual life? Take up the practice of journaling—the discipline of creating a written record of your relationship with God. “Remembering” is a consistent theme in Scripture—remembering God’s faithfulness and His works.

Consider a spiritual getaway to begin (or continue) your practice of journaling. Not only will it bless you, it will bless those who inherit your memoir.

A Christian should always remember that his mercies are greater than his miseries. 

John Blanchard


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: 1 Kings 21 – 2 Kings 3

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