Topic: Spiritual Shortsightedness [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 September 2020]

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Spiritual Shortsightedness

Luke 12:13-21

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition in which the eye cannot focus on distant objects. Today this physical defect is easily treatable with corrective lenses. But spiritual myopia is more dangerous because it has consequences throughout eternity.

To emphasize the importance of an eternal perspective, Jesus told a story about a rich man who couldn’t see beyond his present life. His enjoyment and security were wrapped up in the abundance of his wealth, possessions, and comforts. Although he may have been honored and respected by others for his great achievements, in God’s eyes he was a fool. That’s because he stored up treasure for himself but was bankrupt before the Lord.

In order to make deposits in heaven’s bank, following Christ must be more important than any worldly ambition or priority. His kingdom and righteousness should direct our plans, pursuits, and pleasures. Colossians 3:1-4 says that instead of having an earthly focus, it is better to set our minds on things above, where Christ is. If we do this, our affections and ambitions will follow, and we will become rich toward God.

Bible in One Year: Hosea 6-9

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