Topic: Spiritual Sight [David Jeremiah Ministry 28 July 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Spiritual Sight

JULY 28, 2021

Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.
Psalm 119:18

 Recommended Reading: Matthew 13:10-15

Modern English dictionaries draw a general distinction between seeing and perceiving. Seeing is more the physical act of noting, detecting, or laying eyes on. But perceiving has more to do with understanding, discerning, or comprehending. Everyone with physical sight can see, but it takes more than physical sight to comprehend what is seen—to apply it for good.

The same can be true when reading God’s Word. If physical sight is all that is needed to profit from God’s Word, the psalmist would not have prayed, “Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your law.” It takes a humble, worshipful, willing heart to discern the wondrous truths God has given in His written revelation. Indeed, because of sin, God closed the spiritual eyes of the nation of Israel so they could not see and apply His truth (Isaiah 6:9-10). And their spiritual eyes were still closed in Jesus’ day, causing Him to speak in parables that only the humble could understand (Matthew 13:10-15).

God has wondrous things to show us from His Word. But we must yield our heart to Him in order to truly see them and let them change our life.

Faith is…the sight of the inward eye.
Alexander MacLaren

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