Topic: Stand Still in Faith [Joel Osteen Ministries - Today's Word 15 June 2021] -

Topic: Stand Still in Faith [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 15 June 2021]

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Stand Still in Faith

Jun 15, 2021

Today’s Scripture

1 Samuel 12:16, NIVNow then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes!

Today’s Word

Maybe you come from a family line of depression, addictions, divorce, or poverty. It should continue with you, but there’s a blessing on your life that’s going to thrust you to a new level. Forces that have stopped your family are being broken right now. You’re going to take new ground in your finances, in your health, and in your relationships. Areas that looked as though they would never change are shifting. Favor is coming in new ways–opportunities, breakthroughs, the right people.

God is going to do something that surpasses anything you’ve ever seen. It will be unprecedented, out of the ordinary. You’re not going to have to make this happen through your own efforts, your strength, your talent, and your determination. It’s going to be the hand of God. Stand still and watch Him show out in your life. You’re not just going to believe for promises and breakthroughs, you’re about to see promises come to pass and enjoy the breakthroughs. Just stand in faith.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the great things You are about to do before my eyes. I choose to be still, to get quiet before You, to listen to You, and to watch You work. Give me the grace to accept Your timing and rest in the fact that You want me to stand in faith. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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