Topic: Stay Patient [Joyce Meyer Devotional 29 June 2020]

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For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised.— Hebrews 10:36 (AMPC)

We all have things that we want right now. As I write this, I’m still limping a little bit from my hip surgery and I don’t want to. I want to walk perfectly normal now! However, the doctor told me yesterday that it would happen, but it would take some time for me to fully recover.

How often have we all heard that in our lives? “It is going to take time!” When I hear that, I have two choices: I can wait patiently, or I can wait miserably. The choice is mine, but either way I will wait. Patience is not the ability to wait, it’s the ability to wait well . . . to wait with a good attitude and trust that God’s timing is perfect.

What are you waiting for right now? How are you waiting?

Today, let’s make a decision to honor God by waiting patiently, with a smile on our face, knowing that every day, we’re a little closer to the desire of our heart. He’s given us the ability to enjoy every season of life, so let’s make good use of it.

Prayer Starter: Father, help me trust Your timing in my life and honor You by waiting patiently for You to bring my dreams to pass. Thank You for always watching out for me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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