Topic: Still Running? [Joyce Meyer Devotional 12 July 2020]

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I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.— Psalm 34:4 (NIV)

In April 2005, many Americans and the world heard the story of the “runaway bride,” Jennifer Wilbanks. This 32-year-old woman from Duluth, Georgia, disappeared just days before her six hundred-guest wedding was supposed to take place. Her family and fiancé, certain she had been kidnapped, pleaded for her safe return, and the missing bride became a national story for the major news media. When she turned up alive, the truth was revealed that the bride-to-be ran because of “certain fears” that controlled her life.

Many of us might say, “Well, she should have talked to her fiancé or her pastor about what she was feeling instead of running away.” But how many of us easily confront our own fears? You may not have ever physically run away like Jennifer did, but there are probably things emotionally that you’re running from. You’re constantly looking over your shoulder, trying to be sure whatever you’re afraid of won’t catch up with you.

Satan loves causing people to dread and avoid confronting unpleasant issues, because he knows that he loses power when his lies are confronted. Even though a lie is not true, it becomes reality for the person who believes it, so be intentional to ask God to reveal truth to you, and to confront any lies you may be believing.

Prayer Starter: Lord, please expose the lies I’ve believed that are giving strength to the fears that harass me. Shine Your light of truth into my life, and give me the strength I need to confront them and on them and begin to believe the truth of Your Word instead. In Jesus’ Name, amen.


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